Biblical Hebrew Learning Suite: Seven Components

Every Tool You Need
To Master Biblical Hebrew

Hebrew Bible with Analytical Keys

Study the entire Hebrew Bible with an interactive interface
with definitions, dictionary forms, and parts of speech.

The complete Bible (1000 pages).

Click on a word.


Hebrew Bible Frequency Dictionary

Focus on the most frequently used words.

Access 9,369 words (402 pages).

By learning the five most frequent words, you'll already recognize 30% of the entire Hebrew Bible.

Rank Hebrew Definition Frequency Cumulative %
1 וְ and 50,524 11.68%
2 הַ the 30,477 18.73%
3 לְ to 20,322 23.43%
4 בְּ in, at, with 15,607 27.04%
5 אֵת־1 direct object marker 10,980 29.57%

Biblical Hebrew Learning Tool: Five Modules

Learn every aspect of Biblical Hebrew.

Start your language learning journey with tools specialized for pronunciation, vocabulary, verb parsing, grammar, and translation. Click on 'Get Access' below to visit Creative Works and obtain access to the learning tool.

flashcard example

Textbook: Learn Biblical Hebrew

Learn BH Easier and Faster: With Additional Online Learning Tools (forthcoming)


Biblical Hebrew Picture Dictionary: Top 500 Words

Learn Biblical Hebrew through Stories

Biblical Hebrew Review Foldout